Finda Funny Greg Miller Interview Cool Greg

Originally published on CultNoise Magazine (now closed) | January 10, 2015

Greg Miller, internet personality and chicken wing connoisseur, is one of the most genuine and humble people I have ever met, despite where his web stardom has taken him. Known affectionately by his online alias GameOverGreggy, Greg began as a PlayStation editor at entertainment media giant IGN back in 2007. He quickly rose to stardom through the website's PlayStation Podcast, Podcast Beyond, gaining a loyal following of fans who it seems would do anything for him. It's clear to see why; even listening to Greg talk on his many podcasts and videos, it's clear that he appreciates his fans like few others do. 'If you listen to us, you're a best friend, not a fan,' he often says. Even prior to this interview, I expressed my nerves to Greg via Skype chat. His response both calmed me and made me laugh:

'I'm just some fat guy from the internet,' he said. 'Don't be!'

Now, Greg Miller has left IGN to pursue his new ambition: to create great video content on YouTube and beyond. His new empire, Kinda Funny, co-founded by fellow ex-IGN editor Colin Moriarty and ex-IGN video producers Nick Scarpino and Tim Gettys, is already reaching lofty heights via their Patreon and Twitch streams.

We talked to Greg over video chat to discuss where the decision to leave IGN came from, how to make it in games journalism, and Taylor Swift. We even made him cry a little.

CultNoise: So, something I've been wanting to do for a long time, and since we may not be able to do this for much longer, Beyond!

Greg Miller: [laughs] Beyond! No, I will be the Beyond guy for the rest of my life, don't worry about that.

CN: [laughs] I'm sure you will! Well, first off, congratulations on your decision to leave IGN.

GM: Thank you — thank you very much, that means a lot to us. It was tough. And like, yeah, on the outside, it's been crazy to get all the support we've gotten from people.

CN: I can imagine. Yeah, it was brave of you guys, of all of you. So why did the decision come about?

GM: Like I said, it was hard but it's been in process for a while, even before I knew it. I would say over probably the last year and a half, someone would walk up to me saying "oh, Greg, Up at Noon's great, so when are you leaving?" And I remember when they started asking, I was just like, "I'm not," but they said I was going to be leaving soon. People saw it before I did, I think.

So I guess if you're tracking it, it all began when we launched the original YouTube channel, when I launchedGameOverGreggy, what, two and a half years ago? I came back from Vidcon super excited to make content for myself. Colin [Moriarty]always talks about how I came home from VidCon and told him "we gotta get on YouTube!" He said I kept talking like an apostle, like I had the Holy Spirit above my head, like a flame. Like, I just — I was preaching this gospel, and I wanted everybody to understand it. I got Colin on board and he didn't think it'd be great, and then like three episodes into A Conversation with Colin and we're sitting there recording, and Nick [Scarpino] stops to change something, and Colin just goes "you know, I guess I do say crazy stuff." And I was like, alright, you get it! We're ready to roll now!

Over on our YouTube, it's slowly evolved over time. I started that thing just wanting an outlet, wanting to come home and create more content for myself, content that I owned, and I could say if it's good enough or not good enough; if this thumbnail was alright or if this headline was okay. That was good enough for a long long time, and then the more Colin, Nick and Tim [Gettys] got involved with it, the more we wanted to start treating it like a real thing. So then when we started The GameOverGreggy Show last year, or I guess two years ago now, geez Louise! Ah, whatever, a little more than a year ago, we started. That was Nick and Tim's first chance to get in front of the camera, be faces for the channel, do all these different things, and that made them only more excited about, more into, and more believing in what we're doing.

You get to this point where they want to be a bigger part of it, they want to feel ownership over it, and that was when we moved to Kinda Funny. Nick and Tim would go to meetings, saying "oh, we're working on a YouTube channel!" People would ask what it's called, and they'd be like "it's GameOverGreggy!" They'd reply "… are you Greggy?" It was confusing for people, it's hard to wrap their heads around that, so we wanted a brand to put all sorts of content under. So, when we launched as Kinda Funny, that's when Patreon hit, that was when we were already getting to that precipice of "man, I'd love to talk about games on our shows, I'd love to talk about movies. I just watchedArrow,and I have this idea." We couldn't do that on the products we were creating. We wanted to because we had this audience that clearly loved us and would do anything with us, but we couldn't talk about the only thing they wanted us to, and that was nerdy things.

CN:Yeah. Well, obviously it's a big shift for you. You went to university for journalism, you started off as a writer on IGN, that infamousLair review, that terrible game!

GM: [laughs] Yes, thank you! Now history is on my side.

CN: But, what are you going to miss about traditional magazine journalism as a writer, with Kinda Funny being focused on video content?

GM: Sure. I mean, the thing I'm going to miss the most about writing is getting it just right — getting it the way you want it to be, the way you want it to sound, the way you want it to look. Finesse. Massaging a piece and getting it out. All the content we do for the most part is podcasty.Like, turn the camera on, let's talk about this, let's interview this person. That's great, and I love that, and I'm really good at that. I'm glad people like me, thank God, for doing that, otherwise this whole venture would be fucked! But, you see here, we stumble over words, you see my wheels spinning in the mud before they gain traction and I go, whereas with writing you're able to sit there and give somebody the exact message you wanna give.

Even when we've done teleprompter stuff, like wehavewritten for the show — the Patreon videos were all scripted obviously, we're reading off teleprompters there. That doesn't have the same characteristic of writing, or even us talking right here, podcasting; writing, when it's good, feels natural when you're reading it. Like, when you're reading it, you hear my voice in your head. I've gotten better at it because I've done it for years now. Teleprompt reading can sound fake, it can sound hollow; you're already lost in your own head of 'what's the next line, what's that word,' and it doesn't come off as genuine as I like most of my content to be.

CN:Okay, well, speaking of the Patreon, last time we checked you had over $18k in subscriptions for Kinda Funny Games, even more than the $15k for the original Kinda Funny Patreon in a fraction of the time. So, suffice to say it's going great!

GM: [laughs] Yeah, yeah.

CN: But, with those amazing figures, what's been the most challenging aspect of going alone for you and the team?

GM: Yeah, it sounds weird, but I think the thing that's caught me the most off-guard after launch is email. Like, I didn't expect — I'm usually so good at answering every Patreon message, and answering every email, and being able to be on every tweet. When zero hour hit and we launched everything on Monday 5th, I thought "alright, it's crazy right now but it will calm down." The emails haven't calmed down! You're talking about the money we're making, but we still think of ourselves as,and we are, just four guys working out of a spare bedroom. Everybody who sees it, and sees our production value, and understands the vision of what we're talking about, already sees us as a real company and a real thing. Weare, and that hasn't hit us yet, that we're a real thing. So, the amount of people I have writing in to me asking for jobs, and internships and opportunities; it's like "whoa, whoa whoa!"

I wasn't prepared for, all of a sudden, people to think we're on that level. But again, we are. It's just us waking up to the fact that it's not just Nick, Tim, Colin and me in a room. Now we've done something, and we have articles about us, and we have this Patreon and all this momentum.

The story I was telling last night was how, leading into this, we were doing the Twitch thing, and I have a good friend that works at Twitch. He worked PlayStation PR for a long time, and then he went to Twitch. He's been my inside man in terms of me asking questions, or him connecting me to the right people. Before we got launched, it was very much like he understood what we were saying, and it was going to be a big deal, but I think the people he might've been talking about weren't maybe of the same — like, oh sure, the guys from IGN, these internet personalities, okay, great. So, I was getting bounced around, people were getting back to me when they could, but I wasn't like a priority. Then yesterday [Wednesday 7th] I had three emails from high up Twitch people saying "hey, how can we help you, what can we do here." I just thought, "alright, you get it, you understand! This is so much easier now that you see what's happening."

CN: Wow, it's great that they've been so supportive of the venture!

GM: Oh, that's the thing man, it's thateveryonehas been so supportive, I can't get over it. Obviously, it starts with IGN. We told them in October we were gonna leave, but we didn't want to leave them in a bad spot. So we stayed on through the end of the year to continue to host shows, to give them time to interview hosts and producers to fill the holes we're gonna leave for them. To their credit, that part of the situation helps them out, but what I don't think helped them was having to wait until the 5th, when we left, to say something.

Colin and I are transitioning out of Beyond or however you want to phrase it. I'm doing two moreUp at Noons; they're still taking care of me and Colin for those things. They could've easily been like, "well cool, you can leave on the 5th, thank you for your work, but start transitioning earlier. We don't want to bring you in after the fact." They were totally down to help us and let us launch this the way we wanted to. So, they were amazing. Twitch has been amazing at helping us with every question I've needed answering. We have so many people who have, like — Pandamusk obviously animated the whole Kevin Smith episode, we had this guy Graham Reid who did the Colin and Greg Live intro, we have this woman named Cher — there's all these people who have just pitched in and helped to do this and get it to where we need it to be.

I would say a week out, the Monday before, I was very much of the mindset of 'it's going to launch, and it's not going to be perfect, and we're not going to have everything we want, but it's no big deal.' We learned a lot of things from launching the original Kinda Funny, and all the stars lined up that 99%. The only thing is that the website isn't where we want it. But, we also want you going to our YouTube page and our Twitch page, subscribing. It really doesn't hurt us yet. You know what I mean? Now we get to come in with a giant flag, like, "you wanted one place for content, there it is, don't worry!" [laughs] That's been the biggest thing so far, people are like "you said you wanted to do less, but you have three streams of content on a daily basis and it's hard to keep up." [laughs] We understand that, we're working on it!

CN: Well as you've said, you've received a ton of support from the community; from Beyond, IGN, from Twitch, but have you received much in the way of criticism? Obviously, it's a big decision, and it certainly took me by surprise whenever I first heard that you guys were leaving.

GM: Yeah, the criticism is there for sure, you know what I mean? It's the internet; you can't do anything without be criticised for it! But, you know, I always go back to the philosopher Taylor Swift, who said that 'people throw rocks at things that shine.' So, it's like, we're out there shining really brightly right now. The hundreds of thousands of people who are out there supporting us outweigh any of the negativity.

My favourite thing lately is that I'll be in here editing or whatever, Colin will be behind me doing the tweets for tomorrow, scheduling our social media, but while he does that he watches YouTube videos about us, people reacting to this. Every time I come in, I'll ask "is this a good one or a bad one?" Usually they're good, usually they're very supportive! He's listening to the IGN All-Star Community Podcast or something similar, and they're wishing us well or whatever. But once in a while, it will be somebody who is bent out of shape about something. It feels to me like the people who are bent out of shape are always just a little bit off in their perception of what we're doing or why we're doing it.

One of them was this guy wishing us well, but he was like "the Patreon model isn't sustainable and these guys are going to be fucked when this happens and the bottom falls out." It's like, you didn't even ask us what our real business plan is; our business plan isn't Patreon for the rest of our lives, obviously. We're three or four-month veterans to the Patreon platform, we understand the ebbs and flows of this. We're totally prepped; you were talking about our number being at $18k right now on Kinda Funny Games, and that's because one of the tiers is a $3000 tier for a month of shoutouts. A company bought that, so then in April when they launch an app, we can say "this is brought to you by this new app, everybody check it out!" And so, next month when their credit cards are dinged and that money is taken out, they're going to move away and we're going to fall to $15k. We're used to that because we've already seen that with Kinda Funny. The first month, a fan named Luis wanted to be on the show for $1k, so our number jumped by $1k.

At the time, if you remember, we launched Kinda Funny three days after The Comedy Button. We jumped out way ahead of The Comedy Button. Scott Bromley made a tweet that I think helped a lot of fans understand it. If you look at The Comedy Button's structure on how they're doing, their Patreon, we're both subscription models but theirs doesn't increase the way we do. Bromley compared the increases we were doing to Kickstarter stuff. We jumped way in front of The Comedy Button that first month, and then we fell back and they kept steadily growing. We've steadily grown as well, but if you were just a casual observer, you'd be like "oh my god, they're struggling to get back to $12k when they already had that month once, something horrible happened!" It's not like that; that's how it worked for us.

For us, relaunching and having the Patreon stuff there… we hope everybody sticks around forever for Patreon, contributes, gets the content early, enjoys the subscription service, but it's a foolish thing to think that we would jump and that would be our only revenue source. There's the store, there's YouTube, there's Twitch. There's all these different ad revenues that we have. If one of the legs of the table falls down, we could be okay, we can keep going. That's why it's so crazy to have people asking us for jobs or whatever. We're still learning how to be a business! [laughs] Like, let's see what our pay cheques look like after two months, and then we'll talk about what we're going to do next!

CN:Yeah, you actually read our minds; one of our questions was going to be, can we have a job! But you've already answered that for us.

GM: [laughs] Yeah! No, it's so flattering and so awesome. It's funny; when all four of us were talking about when we leave — and I'm talking six months ago, when we're starting to get the inkling of what we're going to do for Kinda Funny's Patreon — we were like "yeah, maybe we'll do this in a year, or a year and a half; we'll go." And then we did it, and it's like "whoa, we are on an accelerated time frame."

Then, last night, we're all sitting around talking, and Colin's like "it sounds crazy, but I think we're closer to hiring people than we think we are." We're already up to our ears in work; we're doing all these Let's Play series etc, but when you see us on screen doing stuff it means that we're not editing video! [laughs] Every tomorrow, there's three or four videos that are going live from us. We've gotta figure out that workflow pretty quick.

This weekend, I fully intend on — I'm taking Portillo to the vet on Saturday, and coming back, pouring a drink and kicking up my feet. Just like, doing the minutiae stuff! Not making or editing videos, just handling all the little things like talking to Patreon subscribers.

CN:What advice would you give to journalists, or those wanting to do what CultNoise does?

Greg: The best way to stand out is to not do what other people do. That's what Colin and I were talking about on the inaugural Colin and Greg Live show; people were asking if we were going to review games, and we're like "no". There are a million video game reviews out there. What number out of ten we give a game, nobody should care about. You can go to IGN, or Gamespot, or Kotaku, and there's amazing reviews. We want you to read those reviews, come to us, and talk about it. We're not going to have a review product. I keep talking about how we want to take the news of the day and interpret it with you. That's the whole point.

I always talk about — you know this as well, I'm sure; you're our best friend. I know when I say that to people who don't consume the product, I'm sure I sound like a fucking marketing shill! [laughs] But as a listener and viewer, you get it. We have this relationship even though we don't get to talk; you get what we're doing here. That's what our strength is, that's what we're going to play to, is the fact I want you to just have those discussions with us. We're going to an Xbox event next week. We're going to see a bunch of games. The embargo is 9am, but I bet we just talk about it on Colin and Greg Live. Chances are that it'll pop up in the Gamescast next week because we're going to see this game, or that game, and we're going to want to talk about it.

CN: So in that way, are you going to maybe think about going to the bigger conferences, like E3 or Gamescom, and covering them in some way for Kinda Funny?

Greg: Yeah, the big thing we need to figure out is how… Colin and Greg Live stops for no man and no event. We're going to E3 for sure, 1000%, and we want to figure out how we're going to do the show every day. We'll do the show, then we'll go to the floor. We'll walk around, we'll go to conferences. We're not breaking news, we react to the news. If the PlayStation conference has a bunch of announcements, then Colin and I are going to do a Kinda Funny Reacts piece to what we thought about it.

Interestingly, the way Twitch and the YouTube channel works is, we get to cover them in buckets we've already created. Colin and Greg Live, at E3, I imagine we'll sign off like "alright, we're going to go, but what games do you want us to go see so we can talk to you tomorrow about them?" Then, make a shopping list of what people want. There's a lot of cool opportunities to serve our fans and do different things with them.

CN: Cool. So, as an aside, as a friend of mine puts it, your place on IGN and Kinda Funny cements you as a founding father of sorts for would-be YouTube startups. How does it feel to be part of what is effectively a pioneering generation of internet stars?

Greg: [pauses, with a smile] Wow. That's — no one's ever said that, that's a lot of pressure. It's very, very touching, so thank your friend for making me tear up. [Greg's voice breaks] I've never thought about it that way.

[Greg pauses for a long time] It's an honour, you know what I mean? Like, I hope — that's the thing that people — people pull away from the shows that I don't ever expect, the inspiration to change their own situation or life, or get moving. You know, we put up the Kevin Smith podcast this week, and it's all about five creators in a room who just have to create, and have to get out there, and talking about how they did this and how they went out to do that. The amount of tweets I've gotten from people saying how inspirational that is, and they're going to get off their ass… people that are just going to be better at their jobs. That's the best thing that you could possibly take away from this. That's awesome.

I never think about what we're doing as being inspirational to anybody or helping somebody out, but it's foolish, because I always talk about how when I met Dan Shoe [Dan Hsu, former editorial director of the 1UP Network] for the first time and I flipped the fuck out. I couldn't stop talking, because that's like, Dan Shoe, and he did everything for me! It's interesting because — man, it's rare that I'm at a loss for words. [laughs] "Founding father".

CN: You can use that one for free.

Greg: It's going to be super fascinating to see what happens. It's what we were talking about when we were coming in, when Colin and I, of course, were having one of our long nights of bourbon and discussion. He was like, "how successful are we going to be?" And I'm like, "I don't know, because no one's done it like this before." You see people who are coming up on YouTube — it always gets weird for us with YouTube, because we're lucky enough to be friends with Rooster Teeth and Freddie Wong, and all these people who are our friends, but it's like… we have 80k subs, and they all have millions, and so it's like, we look at ourselves and say, well we're not that successful. We're not really doing it like they're doing it. That was because we had jobs, and you have to think about how big the reach of IGN was.

We are super late to the party on YouTube, but now you see how we have built our brand, our company. We helped get IGN to new heights, and they definitely helped us get to new heights, and now we go the opposite way. I feel like most people try to come up on YouTube, and then move over to get a better job or go do something cool with an established site, whereas we're doing it in reverse to go establish something after.

Right now, I'm way too much in the eye of the storm to think about the legacy and inspiration of me leaving but I hope, if anything, it just goes to show that anybody can do this. You can achieve your dreams; that's always been my mantra since I got to IGN. In the fourth grade I decided I want to write about video games, and my mom said to go on a journalism path for that. At 23, I walked into IGN, to work at IGN, and that was going to be my future; the rest of my life, I thought. Over time the dream evolved and everybody evolved with me. Everything we do on YouTube and now Twitch I think looks amazing. We finished Monday, and we're all sitting around, and I'm like "I can't believe everything worked." I'm usually the guy who wants to do aFreedom Wars stream on Twitch, and I've got a PlayStation TV with a borrowed capture card, and it's allframey, and nothing's working, and I don't have the right driver on my PC!

It was three hours before we went live with that first Twitch thing, and I was watching tutorials and I was learning how to make the little bar [at the bottom]. At first, that all seemed like an insurmountable task, and now it looks so good, and it's so easy. It's one of those things of just like… you gotta jump sometimes, and I don't mean from your job, but if you want to do podcasts, or you want to do videos, or you want to make a website like you guys are doing, you gotta just jump and see. It's like some fucking lame ass inspirational poster, but the longest journey begins with a single step. [laughs] I came back from VidCon, I was like "I want to do YouTube for myself, I want to have something to create." I toyed around with trying to write a comic book or write a children's book, and none of it was hitting where I wanted it to hit. When I went to VidCon, I understood YouTube a little bit more.

[laughs] The show that I started that channel to do was "Winging It with Greg Miller", where I travel across the county eating chicken wings and showing you the best chicken wing spots in cities.

CN: I'd love to see that!

Greg: I know, well that's the thing, I'm still building to it! I said that, and I pitched it, and I was like… I don't know how to edit, I don't know how to post a YouTube video, and I'm like… I need to start with easier shows. And that was when I was like, well Conversation with Colin would be cool. Colin says crazy stuff. Nick's spiced the intro up here in the final season, but I envisioned the original with the quote, and then the freeze frame, and the black and white and the words; that was something I came up on the plane back home from VidCon, in the air, reading the YouTube playbook, because I thought "I don't know what I'm doing, but that sounds like it would be simple. I could just pause it, and I could do this…

It's all those little things that now have us to this thing, with this crazy fucking Pandamusk opening, or Nick's goddam crazy Gamecast intro of all our faces and logos… it's crazy if you just learn as you go. That's the big thing. Every time somebody comes up to me at like, PlayStation Experience was the most recent one, and say "I love what you do, I want to do it one day," and I always ask them, "well what are you doing today?"

One day, IGN is going to put up a position, you're going to apply for it, and you're going to get hired. I always talk about it; it was my 13th attempt on my Gmail to get hired at IGN, I'm sure there was more on my Mizzou college account, but I finally had experience, I finally had proven I could do it. I had a blog, I had a column for half a year, I was doing daily content about it, so when people reach out saying they want to do this, I'm like, "well what are you doing now?" You need to be writing every day, you should be podcasting every week, you should be doing vlogs every day.

People get hung up on how they don't have a good camera, or a good microphone, but that's not what it's about. The chances of you being a random person, putting up a video and getting a million hits is so small. This isn't what it's about — this isn't about views. Doing stuff right now is about working the muscle. Podcasting is a muscle; you listen to me when I first started and I don't talk much, I have no idea about the rhythm of a conversation, I don't know how to jump into them. Now, I could kick in Colin's door and say "we're podcasting right now," and we would be fine. We would go, and the show would be great. You need to learn all those things, and you need to learn how to talk, and you need to learn how to get in front of your thoughts. I know I'm the worst at it because you'll see my wheels spin when I'm trying to come up to what I'll get to next, and I'll butcher the words, but I usually know what I'm driving at. If I open my mouth, I know where we're going before I get there.

That's all stuff you gotta learn over time. If you want to do it, you gotta start doing it. If I'm a founding father, great, but get out there and start creating content now. It's about getting experience, so that when you get to a place where youcould get views, you have a content catalogue of amazing stuff and it's great now. When you start, you'll be bad. Everybody's bad when they start at anything! [laughs]

CN: [laughs] An amazing point to end at. So, just some quick fire questions to finish with. What are you playing right now?

Greg: [laughs] Nothing! That was the thing, I thought, "I'm going to leave IGN, I'm going to get to play games" — I still haven't gotten back toDestiny.We're playing a lot ofSuper Smash Bros., that's an easy stream for us to do. We played a lot ofMario Kart this week. Today a Let's Play goes up of me playingSuperman 64; we did someMinecraft too. This weekend, after I walk through all these emails, I'll probably play some Destiny, get back into that. We're going to do a book club kinda on the Kinda Funny banner, this month I want everybody to play throughSuper Metroid, and then we're going to have a giant conversation about it. I've never beaten Super Metroid, I only started it a long time ago, so I'm going to restart that on Wii U and go through it.

CN: Sounds great! What do you think will be the biggest gaming disappointment of 2015?

Greg: [pauses for consideration] I think it will be whenUncharted 4 gets delayed. It's one of my predictions this year on the Gamescast, I don't think thatUncharted 4 will make it this year. I think it's just a huge, huge game obviously, and it seems like an insurmountable task to lose Amy [Hennig] and everybody less than a year ago really, and then they have to come in and do it. Neil [Druckmann] and Bruce [Straley] are visionaries, are so amazing at what they do — we always go back and forth on how far along the game was in the planning process when they came in. I think they'd want to come in though and make it their own, and so they're making big changes, I'd imagine, which then I think would push back the product. Don't get me wrong, I've been saying this for a long time, like "there's no way this is going to come out next year!" and then at E3 they say it's coming out in 2015. When we had Shuhei [Yoshida] on Beyond, he gave me one of those nods, and I'm like "motherf**ker!" [laughs] So, he's pretty confident! I still hold out the belief that it won't, but we'll see. I think that would be the biggest disappointment. What about you, what do you got?

CN: [pause] I don't think The Order: 1886 is going to live up to expectations.

Greg: See, the thing about The Order is, I'm not sure where the hype level is anymore. I think when we originally heard about it, and saw the trailer, we thought "hey, it's awesome, it's Ready at Dawn," then Colin saw it and it wasn't running well. I felt like that knocked all the wind out of its sails. Ever since then, we've seen more, it looks good; I'm not expecting the world from that game, if that makes sense, but I think it's going to be an enjoyable ride. From what I played at PSX, I was like "oh yeah, I'd play this." There's annoyances to it, but what I played, it's somewhere in the low 8s, depending on how long it is, how varied it is…

CN: Absolutely. Okay, what would you sacrifice if it meant you got a newPatapon game right here, right now?

Greg: Oh, god… is it on PS4, does it have trophies? Is it on Vita? Actually, put it on Vita instead.

CN: Vita, and trophies!

Greg: [pause] I don't want to say 'anything', but I would gladly… [Greg pauses for a considerable amount of time] I would give up myFreedom Wars character…

CN: Okay…

Greg: You could erase my Freedom Wars save if it meant I got a newPatapon right now. I'm that much of aPatapondevotee. I've played enoughFreedom Wars, I think, for a long long time.

CN: So, if Oreo made a chicken wing-flavoured cookie…

Greg:Yes, 100%!

CN: … would you be daring enough to try it for Oreo Oration?

Greg: Aw, my god, are you kidding? 1000%! [laughs] When they put together the fake Oreo pictures, you know what I mean, these get passed around every so often, the ramen one, the chicken wing one, the red velvet one… I'm always down for it, because then it's going to be a great video. One of the ones they did, they had one that was a fried chicken Oreo that was a fake photo, and that makes sense! A chicken and waffle Oreo? That's a real — chicken and waffles is a real thing!

CN: Yeah!

Greg: Just go ahead and make it, Oreo! Just go balls in, it's happening! You're crazy motherf**kers already, we know that!

CN: Okay, and last question. What is most important: gaming, or chicken wings?

Greg: [pause, with a smile] Gaming. It's gaming… I love chicken wings, you know that, but I was put here to do two things: play games,and eat chicken wings. Gaming has more far-reaching effects than chicken wings, you know what I mean? Very few people identify themselves as a 'winger', lots of people identify themselves as a gamer.

CN: I'm definitely a winger!

Greg: [laughs] It's definitely a culture!

CN: It is indeed. Greg, thanks so much for your time.

Greg: Oh my God, thank you. Thanks for caring about us, thanks for all the support.

Images courtesy of Greg Miller and


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